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  • Grace

Welcome to Small House, Big Voice!

Welcome to Small House, Big Voice where our independence is our strength! I’m Grace, an avid reader and writer, here to tell you a little bit about us.

We are a blog focusing on innovation and creation. We want to spark a discussion about indie publishers and their role in the larger industry, but we also want to shine a light on newly emerging trends in literature and gaming. They’re appearing constantly, and we hope to provide a contemporary, fresh insight into them in an engaging, thought-provoking and fun way.

The publishing industry is enormous and dominated by ‘publishing giants’ but independent publishing houses are the backbone of publishing, and we want to focus on them. Our website will look at the publishing industry from the inside out, highlighting the incredible things indie publishers can and have achieved (that perhaps even the publishing giants can’t).

So, who are we? We are passionate, creative individuals with an active interest in the publishing industry. Each of us brings something different and exciting to this blog, and you can find out more in our Meet the Team section.

From us, you can expect a little bit of everything. We’ll feature all sorts of content from competitions with funky prizes to original author interviews, classic and non-traditional reviews, some journalism, useful advice and resources for writers, and recommendations for readers. Anything creative is something we’re interested in!

Most importantly, we hope to spark discussion with our content. We want to inspire and get people thinking. Does the publishing industry have to work this way? Do ‘the big six’ need to dominate? But also we want to challenge norms regarding storytelling and literature and art. What constitutes a story? With the recent emergence of zines, slam poetry and the revival of ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ kind of narratives, creativity is flourishing in places you don’t see coming. We think that’s fascinating and needs to be shared.

We can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! You can also send us a message from the homepage of the blog. If you have anything to say, please contact us! We want discussion, after all.


P.S. Speaking of competitions, keep an eye out for a very cool, very exciting competition landing right here soon.

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