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Small House Big Voice

Come join the conversation

For years the publishing industry has been dominated by a handful of huge publishing houses (or 'the big six' as they are often referred to) and yet we don't hear enough from the small presses, the struggling independents, the big voices lost in the small platforms. That's where we come in. We are a small collective of passionate, committed individuals who thrive on finding the gold amongst the grit in the world's smallest and perfectly formed independent publishing houses.


Along the way we'll bring you news, insights, exclusive competitions, author and publisher interviews and will create a growing resource for anyone interested in the creative industries, be they publisher, author, reader, reviewer or any other influencer in the field.

We hope you enjoy meeting the team, learning what we're about and helping us do what we love.


Who We Are

A collective of like minded individuals who are passionate about publishing, authors, the arts and instilling fairness across the creative industries.

Meet the Team

Our Voice

What we do and why we do it



At Small House Big Voice, we are dedicated to providing the life blood that authors are so often starved of, namely reviews of their work across all major platforms. If we enjoy a book and think it deserves a three, four or five star review, we shall deliver!


Within this independent collective, our aim is to discover the true shape of the publishing industry from without and within through interviews, in depth reviews and accounts of personal experience. These insights will be consolidated into an easy to digest resource for publishers, readers and authors alike.



Many authors, publishers and writing organisations are happy to put forward creative ideas and join in with what can become hugely useful resources. We want to reward that by first offering high incentive competitions and then eventually sponsoring our own awards structure to help highlight the great and the good throughout the industry.

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only someone remembers to turn on the light.”

J K Rowling

Tell us your story

We love to hear from anyone who is interested in what we are trying to do. Please send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. 

Please note: We receive lots of messages so it might be a few days until you receive a response from us. Please be patient.


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